Clear strategy.

The business units want better IT support?
You want transparency about the costs and benefits of IT?
Is it important to you to recognize and avoid risks?

Profit through my

  • extensive architecture expertise
  • proven methodological competence
  • Qualification in project and team management

Optimized processes.

Management demands more agility?

You want more transparency about company processes?

Do you want to make the best use of applications and services?

Profit through my

  • extensive experience in process analysis
  • Competence in modeling
  • Creativity in process optimization

Custom-fit technology.

Management demands cost reductions in IT?

Would you like to use new technologies?

Want to change the sourcing model?

Profit through my

  • extensive experience in outsourcing projects
  • broad knowledge of cloud technologies
  • Methodological competence in change processes

My blog.

Personal success – how to gain clarity!
Personal success – how to gain clarity!

Personal success – how to gain clarity!

Henning Müller-Lutz 19. May 2024 Life Hacks 0

What does personal success mean to you? Do you determine the criteria for this yourself? Or are your standards criteria defined by others - and which you meet without questioning them further? Let's take a closer look together! Because the more clearly you can answer

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Focused for success – here’s how!
Focused for success – here’s how!

Focused for success – here’s how!

Henning Müller-Lutz 2. May 2024 Life Hacks 0

It’s quite striking when you take a closer look at how unfocused many people are. People check Facebook while driving, eating becomes a minor matter and in meetings, of course, the notebook is open and people are “working”. Younger children in particular seem to have massive problems with attention and concentration.

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Active listening
Active listening

Active listening

Henning Müller-Lutz 1. May 2024 Life Hacks 0

If I ask you now: "Are you actively listening?" you will surely say: "Yes, of course!" - Let's look together to see if we understand the same thing. In my world, active listening is more than intensive eye contact, for example. Or that attention doesn't

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Lean Architecture Cooking Recipe – Ingredients
Lean Architecture Cooking Recipe – Ingredients

Lean Architecture Cooking Recipe – Ingredients

Henning Müller-Lutz 6. August 2023 IT strategy 0

Welcome to our “Lean Architecture recipe” series of articles. This first part is about the ingredients for a tasty menu. Are you a managing director or IT manager in a medium-sized company? Then take a seat – you will be served shortly!

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Agile IT – this is important to know.
Agile IT – this is important to know.

Agile IT – this is important to know.

Henning Müller-Lutz 2. May 2023 IT strategy 0

In two days, you can train and get certified as a SCRUM Master – online, mind you. This apparently misleads quite a few managers into the mistaken assumption that agile IT is easy and quick to implement. In terms of methodology, that may be true. But the decision for agile IT is a decision for a cultural change, which is underestimated by many executives. That’s what this article is about.

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IT strategy in medium-sized businesses: what matters
IT strategy in medium-sized businesses: what matters

IT strategy in medium-sized businesses: what matters

Henning Müller-Lutz 31. March 2023 IT strategy 0

Are you responsible for the IT strategy in your company? And you want to make a difference with “your” IT? Deliver the best possible support to the business units? But you are confused, because you have already met so many “strategies” and “strategists”?

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